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Tips on Romantic Writing Prompts

There are various ways through which one can develop a strong romantic story idea, click here to get started. Build your romantic story ideas around romantic tension. Romantic tension is the suspense that a reader develops as a result of the character's romantic involvement. There are various reasons why we the reader might experience tension. The reader doesn't know if the two characters will end up despite the clear mutual feelings towards each other. It is also unclear how the characters will navigate the obstacles in their live life. The reader might also fell suspense since there could be third parties getting in the way of the lovers.

When writing a romantic story, think of the desires driving each character. Their past and current circumstances will affect the romantic choices they make. There are various sources of romantic desire in the characters in a story. Physical attraction whereby the love interest in based on physical appearance. The intellectual attraction where a character admirers another person's intelligence. There could also be an emotional attraction whereby something about another character feels good. Another major source of romantic desire is material attraction whereby a character can offer wealth and other benefits to fulfill their lover's desire.

You could also make use of your character's personalities when writing the romantic story. The personality of your characters plays a key role in romance. When brainstorming the romantic story ideas of the romantic subplots, think of the lovers' personalities. Ensure that you use personality combinations that rhyme. Similarities such as having a sense of humor, interests and poor qualities can bond characters.

Differences in lovers could lead to conflicts. When writing a romantic story, ensure that you find the conflicts that are likely to occur due to the lover's differences. Even though differences could attract characters at first, they could also be very powerful sources of conflict. If for instance one of the lovers constantly prioritizes work over their partner, it is likely to create very serious problems. Such a plot in a romantic story is vital since it shows how lovers grow and get to know how to handle each other. When developing a romantic story, ensure that you include some conflicts.

Being a consistent reader or romantic stories will perfect your skills in romantic writing prompts. If you know of an author who is competent in romantic writing prompts, that is the best person to ask for help in writing the best romantic stories. You could also research romantic writing prompts on the internet, visit website now!

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